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Is a CRM a 'must have' for small business?

Updated: Jun 12, 2023

Lady sat at computer
CRM - Must for small business

Imagine life without your mobile phone.

Don't panic, I'm just going to remind you what life used to be like. Your music, video and books were separate from your phone and text messages, which was separate again from your emails and your web browsing. You needed a physical wallet to carry banknotes, separate from your credit cards. Your map was a paper book that didn't communicate and was too heavy to carry anywhere. Sounds terrible right?

Fortunately, your mobile phone brought all these things and more together for you, in one fully integrated space that you now can't really imagine living without.

Now imagine a system where your entire customer journey is managed seamlessly, from lead through to loyal and returning customer. Welcome to your CRM.

Just like your iPhone, a good CRM, setup correctly will transform how you communicate. The results are proven and staggering. Factors improved include:

Contact Management

A good CRM system provides a great user interface for centralised data that you don’t get from Xero, your inbox, or a spreadsheet, including customer preferences; customer & prospect segmentation; key contact social profiles; a complete record of interactions with notes; complete and future activities. This data will bring powerful customer insights, no matter what size your business.

Having a single source for customer data allows you efficient access, reducing data entry by 23% and admin tasks by 14%.

Enhanced Marketing ROI

CRM helps you manage your sales and marketing funnels, which in turn improve conversion rate by 30%. It also facilitates improved sales and marketing productivity, returning $8 for every $1 spent on marketing.

Automation can turbo charge the effectiveness of your marketing efforts and the promotion of your business with features such as tracked email campaigns, customer segmentation, and personalized messaging. You can also integrate this with your other marketing tools that can streamline your business development.

Effective Team Collaboration

Having a CRM setup within your business empowers your team to easily share information and coordinate activities with you and customers. This facilitates better accountability and management of activities for a streamlined customer experience.

Visible Insights and Reports

Most CRM systems have a feature where you can analyze reports and data from your sales performance, customer behavior and engagement. It will help you identify areas where you can improve and work better solutions for your business. If you can't measure it, you can't manage it.

Efficient Customer Service

Streamlining your customers experience from lead through to being a paying customer will pay significant dividends. A CRM not only improves customer retention by 25% (Gartner) but personalization matters to the 75% of people who would pay more for better targeted service (Accenture).

So, in summary, a CRM is a must have for small business. Just imagine how a CRM could turbo charge your growth plans.

If you have been considering a CRM system for your business but you are experiencing difficulties in choosing which one, or lost in the setup, please contact EMPAT Consulting for assistance.

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